Welcome to WNRCASN
Benefits of being a member
WNRCASN is the only organization in Western Canada devoted solely to nursing education and nurse educators. Navigate to the About page for our history and governance.
Our organization represents western nurse educators at Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN).
WNRCASN sponsors an annual conference to support networking and provide opportunities to learn about and engage in dialogue related to nursing education.
The membership fees support three WNRCASN nursing education research awards and a Lifetime Honorary Member Award. Application deadline for all awards is December 15th. Members have access to the Grants page for descriptions and applications. In addition, members have access to Governance sub-pages.
Become a Member!
Members get access to exclusive information.
Our active memberships (full voting) are $50 per academic year,
active undergraduate (full voting) are $10 per academic year,
and associate member (non-voting) are $30 per academic year.
Membership period is one year (September 15th start date).